Meetings are held at:
The Wagon & Horses, Watling Street, Elstree, Herts, WD6 3AA
Thursdays:- 12-30 for 12-45 start.
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28 April 2019
London Marathon 2019. Congratulations to Natascia Santoro for completing the 40k run on behalf of Rotary Club of Elstree & Borehamwood. Our fellows stood shoulder to shoulder with Natascia for a very good cause – to raise awareness and funds for Keech Hospice Care.
Natascia’s giving page:
https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fundraiser-display/showROFundraiserPage?userUrl=natascia-santoro-SAVMLMBONDS3332019-155580&pageUrl=1&fbclid=IwAR2tFAWWw4e5gmddr_oS44v_M3JXyDzdAWLS0rBEqg7xrn9XTJustddYHvE “
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Happy International Women's Day !
Until 1989, the Constitution and Bylaws of Rotary International stated that Rotary club membership was for males only. Times have moved and laws have changed. We are proud that our club is one of the first clubs to accept female members and privileged to be chairing for our 77 year old club.
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British Community Honours Award at House of Lords, 19 October 2018.
Congratulations to Dr. Peter Wong-Morrow who was given recognition for making an outstanding contribution to the welfare and integration of minority communities into mainstream British society. He was presented the prestigious British Community Honours Award at a ceremony at the House of Lords on 19 October 2018, joined by his family and friends.
Peter is a role model who works closely with the Chinese-British community, promoting integration and social cohesion through business and charity work. Since arriving in the UK from China at an early age of 9, Dr Wong-Morrow integrated well through sports. Despite his small stature, he was in the football team, Art and Chess Club, broke the Hertfordshire County High Jump record and learned to play rugby until he became Captain of the School rugby team.
Peter and his family support several charities including the NSPCC. Through his membership of the Rotary Club of Elstree and Borehamwood for 17 years, he helps raise funds for Rotary’s chosen charities. A remarkable man, Peter gives up his time to help cancer patients with counselling and advice.
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Inviting local residents for free film screening on Friday to celebrate Older People's Day and Silver Sunday (1-7 October 2018):
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In line with the celebrations of Older People’s Day (1-7 Oct 2018), Silver Sunday and Hertsmere's Wellbeing Strategy, the Rotary Club of Elstree and Borehamwood is proud to support these days of celebrations by showing Hertsmere residents age 65+ the new release of:
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20 September 2018
Always worth getting up early for a good cause.
Ahead of their Vocational Month, President Cynthia Barker was invited by Rotary Club of Enfield Chase to share her vocational role - as trustee for Elstree & BorehamWood Museum. She gave the club a copy of the Elstree Studios Book which was kindly donated by author Morris Bright.
Thank you Sue Jessel, President Lovina Kalu & RC Enfield Chase for the breakfast, warm welcome and fellowship !
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6 September 2018
Thank you to Asst. Governor-North Mike Stonham from Rotary Club of Northwick Park for having graced our Club Assembly where the different committees presented their aspirations for the year 2018-19.
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23 August 2018
Happy Birthday to Clive Butchins, our club's Vice President and Secretary 2018-19.
Thank you to Jenica Alcantara, RN, for visiting and sharing some insights into her nursing vocation.
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2 August 2018
Happy Birthday to Dr. Ian Campbell who has been a member of our Club since the ‘70’s and President 1982-83.
Thank you Rev. Desmond Gordon from RC of Mill Hill for visiting us today and introducing Alan Scott to us. Alan has been a Rotarian since 1960 and shared some of his amusing stories during his Rotary trips to the USA.
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26 July 2018.
Thank you to Rotary Club of Edgware & Stanmore for visiting Rotary Club of Elstree & BorehamWood and livening up our meeting today. to Margaret Matchett, Nandini Varma & Jack Lynes (with eyes closed concentrating on the raffle draw).
And the delightful desert from The Waggon & Horses
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16-20 July 2018
Year after year for the last 40 years, the Rotary Club of Elstree & BorehamWood has been presenting School Awards to local primary school children who have demonstrated “Service Above Self” and that they have served their school well, helped others, willingly and regularly contributed to the life of the school.
This week, we spent time attending School Assemblies to present awards in front of delighted parents.
We share some of the testimonials from teachers.
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Rotary Club of Elstree & Borehamwood brought greetings to Rotary Club of Westminster West on 18 July 2018. Newly elected President Juvenal J M Shiundu gave a warm welcome to guests while Past DG 1120 Dr. Himansu Basu presented Nayan Patel the prestigious Paul Harris Fellow.
Dr Basu passionately talked about their ‘Stop Mothers Dying’ initiative called ‘Collaborative Action in Lowering of Maternity Encountered Deaths’ (Calmed). It is alarming that according to them, “800 mothers and 5000 babies die at childbirth everyday – most are preventable!”
Supported by Rotary Foundation, “Calmed” brings hope to individuals and organisations working towards reduction of preventable maternal deaths and lowering of associated morbidities and new born deaths.
Congratulations again to Nayan and to Juvenal !
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Jeanette Poulton & Desmond Gordon, President Elect of Rotary Club of Mill Hill, visited our club to personally deliver their invitation to a Jamaican evening & Presidential Handover on 14 July
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July 2018
Happy New Rotary Year!
Incoming President Cynthia Barker & Incoming Vice President Clive Butchins
of the Rotary Club of Elstree & Borehamwood hit the ground running by tending to the
Annual Rotary Art Show reception to welcome visitors.
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Further information about the Rotary Club of Elstree and Borehamwood
can be obtained from the Club Secretary
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Happy 70th Anniversary to our club !